Hawai'i Regional Sediment Management Relevant, Ready, Responsive, Reliable. Proudly serving the Armed Forces and the Nation now and in the future.

At the June 29, 2004 workshop, participants broke into different groups to identify/discuss different aspects of the potential Regional Sediment Management project in the Mokapu to Makapu'u region.  Here are some notes that were compiled by the different breakout sessions.

1) Existing Data and Data Gaps

Existing Data:

    - GIS data (NOAA Pacific Services Center)

    - Non-directional buoy data

    - Individual shoreline studies

    - Rectified aerial photography (resolution to 2-meters)

    - SHOALS data

    - Watershed studies

Data Gaps:

    - Directional wave data

    - Vertical datum verification (to be re-visited by NGS?)

    - Recent aerial photography with higher resolution

    - Current data (site-specific) and general circulation data

    - Sand source information

    - Hindcast data

2) Environmental/Permit Concerns


    - Project timeline (EIS, public input, etc)

    - Define "regional" (mauka to makai or coastal zone [streams, stormwater])

    - "Baseline" studies (biological surveys, marine/benthic, coral reefs, aviary    studies, offshore islands-sanctuaries, cultural/social, recreational issues, economic cost/benefit)

    - Environmental monitoring (seasonal, annual, decadal?)


    - Timeline

    - Define "region" and "scope" (EIS - programmatic, rivers/land use?, TMDL/DOH, Kawainui)

    - List alternatives/options - State CDUA (USACE DA, CZM consistency, DOH-WQC, NPDES, Fish & Wildlife consultation, County SMA)

    - State SPGP < 10,000cy (one step permit)

3) Project Implementation


    - Funding (CAP, Section 103 - $3M/5-7 yrs, GI Study)

    - Construction (RFP, IFB)

    - Design (In-house, A/E)

    - Permit (sand sources)


    - Funding (State/County, State or County budget, DOT, DLNR, County PWs)

    - Construction (RFP, IFB)

    - Design (A/E Contract)

4) Potential Demonstration Projects/Erosion Hot Spots

Bellows Beach:

    - Relocate (2009?)

    - Remove revetment

Lanikai South:

    - Beach nourishment (volume?)

    - Environmental concern (reef patches, programmatic)

Lanikai North (Kaupo Beach):

    - Highway issue

Ka'elepulu Stream & Boat Ramp:

    - Manage sediment at stream mouth

    - TetraTech Study?

Kaiona Beach

MCBH (Fort. Haze Beach)