Hawai'i Regional Sediment Management Relevant, Ready, Responsive, Reliable. Proudly serving the Armed Forces and the Nation now and in the future.

The second Honolulu District Regional Sediment Management workshop was held on June 1, 2005 at the Ko'olau Golf Club.  Here are a list of the individuals present at this workshop.



BAE Spectral Solutions Michael Knight, PhD
C&C of Honolulu Wayne Hashiro
CEPOH-EC Justin Pummell
CEPOH-EC-E Mark Arakaki
CEPOH-EC-T Jim Pennaz
CEPOH-EC-T Tom Smith
CEPOH-EC-T Jessica Podoski
CEPOH-EM Lolly Silva
CEPOH-PP-C Cindy Barger
DLNR David Smith
DLNR Morris Atta
DLNR Sam Lemmo
EPA Wendy Wiltse, PhD
Kailua Bay Advisory Council Lisa Ferentinos
LiDAR Pacific Corporation Brent Pack
MCBH Kane'ohe Dianne Drigot, PhD
NOAA PSC John Marra
Oceanic Imaging Consultants Masaomi Uchida
Oceanit Warren Bucher, PhD
Sea Engineering Scott Sullivan
University of Hawaii - Geology Chip Fletcher
University of Hawaii - Geology Christopher Bochicchio
University of Hawaii - Sea Grant Dolan Eversole