Hawai'i Regional Sediment Management Relevant, Ready, Responsive, Reliable. Proudly serving the Armed Forces and the Nation now and in the future.

Workshop #4 - Agenda





1300 - 1315 Welcome & Introductions Lemmo
1315 - 1330 Southeast O'ahu Regional Sediment Management Overview Smith, Tom
1330 - 1430 Field Investigations  
  Wave and Current Data Collection Podoski
  Shoreline Change Analysis Romine
  Offshore Sand Sources Bochicchio
  Sediment Trend Analysis Bochicchio
1430 - 1445 BREAK  
1445 - 1545 Numerical Modeling Results  
  Water Circulation Podoski
  Wave Transformation Podoski
  Regional Sediment Budget Smith, Tom
1545 - 1600 BREAK  
1600 - 1745 SEO/Regional Sediment Management Focus Areas  
  Kaupo and Kaiona Beaches Smith, Tom
  Ka'elepulu Stream Fletcher
  Bellows Air Force Station Smith, David
  Lanikai Beach Nourishment Smith, David
1745 - 1800 Future Regional Sediment Management Work Smith, Tom
1800 Adjourn