
US Army Corps of Engineers

National Regional Sediment Management Program

Thin Layer Placement (TLP)
Permitting and Regulation Meeting

Jacksonville, Florida
11-12 April 2017

| U.S. Army Corps of Engineers | Engineer Research and Development Center | Warning |

Meeting Concept: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) hosted a meeting with stakeholders and agencies involved with permitting and regulating thin layer placement (TLP) as a placement method for dredged sediments. Collaboration with stakeholders and agencies is essential to applying and improving this method of sediment placement. The purpose of the meeting was to provide information including TLP definitions, examples, and state of the science in order to facilitate discussion. Discussions focused on benefits, concerns, and other information necessary to advance this method which encompasses environmental restoration, beneficial use of dredged material, and coastal storm risk management.


11 April - Tuesday

0815 - 0830 Meet, Greet, and Find Your Seat
0830 - 0900 Welcome
Introductions, Operning Remarks, Lunch Plans, and Goals of Meeting
Jackie Keiser
Linda Lillycrop
0900 - 0945 What is Thin Layer Placement?
Facilitated exercise will recognize the different definitions and goals of various types of thin layer placement.
Matt Schrader
0945 - 1000 Thin Layer Placement: History & USACE Implementation Jacob Berkowitz
1000 - 1015 Break
1015 - 1130 Regional Examples of Thin Layer Placement and Agency Perspectives
1015 - 1035  Lower Columbia River, Portland District
1035 - 1055  Mobile Harbor, Mobile District
1055 - 1115  Blackwater Wildlife Refuge, Maryland's Eastern Shore, Baltimore District
1115 - 1130  Wrap Up of Morning Activities and Presentations
Jarod Norton
Nate Lovelace
Danielle Szimanski
Kelley Keefe
1130 - 1230 Lunch
1230 - 1245 Regional Examples Remarks Eric Bush
1245 - 1330 Dredging NJIWW/Placement on Avalon and Ring Island, Philadelphia District
Salt Marsh Restoration through the Beneficial Re-use of Dredged Material
Monica Chasten
Jackie Jahn
1330 - 1350 Break
1350 - 1410 Environmental Protection Agency Bridgette Lohrman
1410 - 1540 State of the Science
1410 - 1440  Models, Literature, etc
1440 - 1510  Construction
1510 - 1540  Regulatory
Jacob Berkowitz
Tim Welp
Mike Hayduk
1540 - 1640 Discussing Permitting and Regulation Topics
Concerns, Benefits, Questions, Solutions
Monica Chasten
1640 - 1700 Ideas and Actions Review and Plans for Wednesday Kelly Keefe
Matt Schrader
1700 Adjourn

12 April - Wednesday

0800 - 0815 Meet, Greet, and Find Your Seat
0815 - 0915 Facilitated Exercise - Focus on Tuesday Discussions Matt Schrader
0915 - 1015 Discussing Permitting and Regulation Topics
Concerns, Benefits, Questions, Solutions
Tori White
Kelly Keefe
1015 - 1030 Break
1030 - 1130 Advancing Thin Layer Placement Jackie Keiser
1130 - 1200 Action items, Products, Closing Linda Lillycrop
1200 Adjourn

Comments / Whom to contact
Webdate April 2017

Last Updated: 2022-09-13